Our values and distinction

At Mission Without Borders, we are committed to maintaining the absolute highest standards of integrity and reliability in all we do, while demonstrating the beauty of God’s love and redeeming power to everyone we work with.


We are Christian and live out our Christian faith boldly and with humility. We serve Jesus Christ in all we do and share with others the hope and joy we have in Jesus Christ 


We value people and respect those we serve, regardless of age, gender, race, faith or social status 

Committed to the poor 

We seek to relieve the suffering of the poor and marginalised, and support them in breaking out of poverty


We act with integrity, accountability and transparency in our work with adults and children, and in our management, fundraising and governance 

Church strengthening 

We work with and through local churches, helping them build capacity for their ministry and involvement in the community 


We work in partnership and encourage our communities and churches to do so, too. We seek to listen to the communities where we work, to ensure our work continues to be relevant and beneficial to all 


We are careful to be good stewards of the resources God has provided.