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Our work
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Find out more about the work we do.
Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
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How we reach people for Christ.
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Our offices and the countries we work in.
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About us
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Reaching people for Christ.
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60 years of transforming lives.
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The values we work by.
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Our international team.
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Our work
Our work
Mother holding her child, Moldova.
How our cold winter aid helps families survive
A family lacking food and warmth start to believe in miracles thanks to your support.
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Releasing potential can bring change to families living in poverty in Albania
From failure and frustration to a hopeful future: a new business for a talented mother
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Rebuilding trust after the horrors of domestic violence
How your support helped a mother in Albania find strength and hope
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Minimising the impact of war on education in Ukraine through ongoing family support
As the war destroys children’s chances of a normal education, your support gives strength and hope
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How we help families in Bosnia and Herzegovina work together towards a sustainable future
A struggling family boost their income after receiving support to grow healthy fruit and vegetables
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How we change the lives of isolated elderly people in Albania
A widow bereft of all family finds community through Mission Without Borders
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How summer camps restore joy and fun in children affected by poverty
Nine-year-old carer enjoys a fun-filled break from chores and childcare in Albania
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