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Our work
All our work →
Find out more about the work we do.
Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
How we work →
How we reach people for Christ.
Where we work →
Our offices and the countries we work in.
Stories →
Read the latest stories of our impact.
Find your local Mission Without Borders →
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About us
All about us →
Reaching people for Christ.
Our history →
60 years of transforming lives.
Our values and distinction →
The values we work by.
Meet the team →
Our international team.
Annual Review →
Read our Annual Review.
Contact us →
Get in touch with our friendly team.
Have a question? →
Get in touch with our friendly team.
Get involved
All ways to get involved →
How you can help make a difference.
Pray for our work →
Support our work with prayer.
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Sponsorships →
Empower people to overcome poverty.
Sponsorships →
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Our work
All our work →
Find out more about the work we do.
Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
How we work →
How we reach people for Christ.
Where we work →
Our offices and the countries we work in.
Stories →
Read the latest stories of our impact.
About us
All about us →
Reaching people for Christ.
Our history →
60 years of transforming lives.
Our values and distinction →
The values we work by.
Meet the team →
Our international team.
Annual Review →
Read our Annual Review.
Contact us →
Get in touch with our friendly team.
Get involved
All ways to get involved →
How you can help make a difference.
Pray for our work →
Support our work with prayer.
Donate →
Give today and support those in need.
Sponsorships →
Empower people to overcome poverty.
Sponsorships →
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Our work
Our work
Nadiya with three of her children, Ukraine.
Our work
God’s love in action.
Bringing community, hope, and a brighter future.
Our purpose and Mission →
Our purpose remains the same as it did over 60 years ago: reaching people for Christ.
How we work →
We work in communities where poverty is entrenched, economic opportunities are few, and social issues such as alcoholism and domestic abuse are widespread.
Where we work →
For over 60 years, Mission Without Borders has been working in Eastern Europe, where the impact of communism is still felt more than 30 years after its collapse.
Latest stories
How actions speak louder than words in our homelessness outreach in Moldova →
A homeless man shares how Street Mercy’s support is true Christianity.
Releasing potential can bring change to families living in poverty in Albania →
From failure and frustration to a hopeful future: a new business for a talented mother.
Rebuilding trust after the horrors of domestic violence →
How your support helped a mother in Albania find strength and hope.
View all stories