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Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
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60 years of transforming lives.
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Our work
All our work →
Find out more about the work we do.
Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
How we work →
How we reach people for Christ.
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Our offices and the countries we work in.
Stories →
Read the latest stories of our impact.
About us
All about us →
Reaching people for Christ.
Our history →
60 years of transforming lives.
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The values we work by.
Meet the team →
Our international team.
Annual Review →
Read our Annual Review.
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Our work
Our work
Mother holding her child, Moldova.
How our cold winter aid helps families survive
A family lacking food and warmth start to believe in miracles thanks to your support.
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How our cold winter aid helps families survive the harsh Moldova winter
A family lacking food and warmth start to believe in miracles thanks to your support
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How displaced people in Ukraine are struggling with war trauma and need your help more than ever
A family who fled a city under siege battle poverty and trauma in Sarny
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How actions speak louder than words in our homelessness outreach in Moldova
A homeless man shares how Street Mercy’s support is true Christianity.
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