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Our work
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Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
How we work →
How we reach people for Christ.
Where we work →
Our offices and the countries we work in.
Stories →
Read the latest stories of our impact.
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About us
All about us →
Reaching people for Christ.
Our history →
60 years of transforming lives.
Our values and distinction →
The values we work by.
Meet the team →
Our international team.
Annual Review →
Read our Annual Review.
Contact us →
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Get involved
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How you can help make a difference.
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Sponsorships →
Empower people to overcome poverty.
Sponsorships →
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Our work
All our work →
Find out more about the work we do.
Our purpose and Mission →
Transforming lives in Eastern Europe.
How we work →
How we reach people for Christ.
Where we work →
Our offices and the countries we work in.
Stories →
Read the latest stories of our impact.
About us
All about us →
Reaching people for Christ.
Our history →
60 years of transforming lives.
Our values and distinction →
The values we work by.
Meet the team →
Our international team.
Annual Review →
Read our Annual Review.
Contact us →
Get in touch with our friendly team.
Get involved
All ways to get involved →
How you can help make a difference.
Pray for our work →
Support our work with prayer.
Donate →
Give today and support those in need.
Sponsorships →
Empower people to overcome poverty.
Sponsorships →
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Where we work
The countries we work in
Our work
Where we work
The countries we work in
Coordinator delivers an Operation Christmas Love parcel in Romania.
The countries we work in
Discover more about the six countries we work in and the incredible impact of our work.
Albania →
Mission Without Borders first started working in Albania in 1992 – not long after the collapse of the communist regime in 1991.
Bosnia and Herzegovina →
Mission Without Borders started up in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995 as the brutal war ended.
Bulgaria →
Bulgaria, a predominantly Orthodox Christian nation in the western Balkans, was a Communist state from 1944 until 1989.
Moldova →
Thanks to our generous sponsors, we have been working in Moldova since 1998.
Romania →
Mission Without Borders began working in Romania at the beginning of the 1980s.
Ukraine →
When Ukraine became an independent nation in 1991, it was one of the poorest Soviet republics.